Thursday, July 07, 2005

Security in London

We are all concerned about the events of 7 July in London. I am happy to report that all personnel at the AHA/NCSA center there are safe and looking forward to the session planned for Fall term. Here is a letter from Martin Upham, the site director, with links to AHA offices for any questions about security in London and plans for Fall. Please feel free to contact me as well.

Dear AHA Students and Parents,

By now you will have heard about the tragic events this morning in London. We at AHA are concerned about the welfare of our colleagues and friends in the UK, and offer our condolences and solidarity at this difficult time. We are closely monitoring the situation, although there are currently no students or faculty on AHA programs in the UK. We are happy to report that our staff in London are all safe and well. Although our London Center is located in the Bloomsbury district, the facility was unaffected. Our London area student accommodation is all well out of the central zones, and was also unaffected by these events.

AHA places the highest priority on the safety and security of its students, faculty and staff in the UK and at all of our study abroad sites. We have systems in place to respond immediately and effectively to emergency situations.
In London, in particular, we work closely with the police and other local services to ensure the security of program participants. Our pre-departure and on-site orientation provides students with relevant information and resources, and London Center staff offers full-time advice and support.

We do not anticipate that today’s events will have any direct impact on our London operations, but we understand that students and their families may have concerns about the situation and questions about their participation in the London program next year. We will provide further updates as necessary. In the meantime, we are available to answer your concerns and to provide further information, should you wish to contact us directly at 1-800-654-2051.


Edward Helgeson, MA, JD
Associate Director, AHA Portland

Martin Upham, PhD
Site Director, AHA London

Jenny Ostoj
Student Services Coordinator, AHA Portland

Link to AHA International